I gave this answer on Facebook, but I figured I'd also share it here; I am addressing this blog post that was shared on Facebook. Romans 5:14 is typically taken as signifying that Adam is the type of Christ i.e. Jesus is the 'new Adam'; but clearly there are some rather obvious differences between Adam and Christ, Christ is sinless, Adam sinned, Christ is a divine person, Adam a human person, etc. the article you link points out dissimilarities between Mary and the Ark, but if I can do the same with a type we know the bible itself aproves, then this is no counter argument. The author does not adequately address this argument, they grant that types have limits, but say that some people will see types where there are none, and insists that the Catholic typology regarding Mary is one such type. The argument he gives is essentially that Jesus is the more suitable type for the Ark, because the Ark is the most important thing in the temple, and that the temple is the type of ...