
Showing posts from November, 2022

Catholicism and Blogging

 So I unpublished most of my posts yesterday because I hit upon the rather difficult question of whether a blog needs an imprimatur; which is a question that really only a Catholic would be inclined to ask or acted upon; so until I found an answer which satisfied me, I temporarily returned my posts to drafts. I have now republished them.  The answer I've come to comes from this post from the national Catholic register. The answer, as filtered through my understanding of things, is this: blogs are web logs, they are diary-like posts whose nature is more like a digital pub or living room or town square or such like, they are not textbooks or anything like that; as such, to think they would 'need' something like an imprimatur (indeed, could even possibly ' have' such a thing) is simply wrongheaded. The Catholic Church will either present itself in the public square, or will have other people present itself for her, and those other people will likely not do so as well ...

Poem: an Ode to Topicality

 A topic is a place to be,  a place to be, a place to be A topic spreads out like a tree, a place to be, spreads like a tree. A topic is a place to talk,  a place to talk, a place to talk, A topic is a way to walk a place to talk, a way to walk.  A topic can have many paths, have many paths, have many paths, A topic spreads out like a stream have many paths, spreads like a stream and on the topic of places and talks,  of ways and walks, of trees and streams,  A topic they all are on it seems,  a topic of topicality.  And on the topic of topicality, there is both little and much to say;  in poems and prose, and dance and fight,  in play and work, in day and night,  each is a topic, topically.  Name me something not a topic,  and a topic you'll have given me,  name me something 'bouts we can't speak and at topic, you'll have given me.  Name me, name anything,  and a topic, then you'll see.  What then is t...

Poem: God on high

 I stand along the way,  and prepare to walk along it I stand at dawn of day, and the light prepares to fly.  We're settled down at table, and prepare to eat our meal, the host brings feast about us upon which we shall dine.  I see within these symbols,  of way and light and table, I see within these things,  a place to stay with God, I hear within these sounds, of standing, walking, siting, I hear within these cymbals clashing, a song with which to fly.  Fly up a mountain,  down a stream,  along a shore, and in a forest;  alongside eagles, alongside dolphins, alongside horses, as they fly.  For all that is rest  all that is movement, sings a song to God on high, and the God of heights,  and the God of depths, and the God of lands, he makes us fly. and the God of gifts, and the God of love, and the God of lights, he makes us fly.  and the God of life, and the God of heaven, and the God of earth, he makes us fly. ...

My response to Cosmic Skeptic's video on Jordan Peterson

 The video is linked bellow, but here is my response:  For Peterson, I suspect it's not merely that the highest place is God, but what is 'treated as God'; but that God i.e. the thing truly worthy of being called God, is not merely what we call God (for we might call something God when it is unworthy of the name i.e. we might make idols) but God is rather that thing which, when 'placed' at the highest of our hierarchy, results in an integrated set of values, and therefore which allows us to do all we do with all we are i.e. allows us to put the most effort into things.  More to this though, when Peterson says that in the highest sense, God is the 'ultimate fictional character', we are left wondering what exactly it is that Dr. Peterson means by 'fictional character'; and in this case I don't think he means it in the sense that you would take it i.e. as something not real, but something conjured by the mind of man; rather he means it in that old...

Is the popular transgender view of gender scientific?

It seems to me that the current transgender supporting idea of gender among gender studies types cannot in principle be supported by any empirical science; for science requires a hypothesis which can be tested, the results of which can then be shared in the scientific community through the peer review. Now this all requires that there to be a common language among those engaging in the science, the terms used have to mean at least roughly the same thing to all the scientists, so that they are on the same page, sharing the same conventions in using (and ideally, defining) the terms, so that they can even make sense of the hypotheses and test results, so as to review them and potentially try to replicate the results should the motivation, time, resources, and opportunity to do so arise. This common language is supposed to be the overarching 'theory' from which the hypothesis is formed, and in terms of which the test is made and communicated; and it is part of the job of the theor...

On Love and Suffering

 To suffer willingly after that which you seek, and when finding it, to willingly suffer so as too keep it, this is to know that you love what you sought and kept; the key is to find that which is worth loving, and so, what is worth suffering for.  As I explore the depths of suffering, which I have not even begun to contemplate, have not even begun to be exposed too, I am yet more persuaded that it is God who is worth it; worth all the loss, all the sorrow, all the grief; born wounded, and suffering from the wound that is this flesh, and this world of men in wounded flesh, one is apt to wonder at God; but I think I have learned that the wound of a friend is better than the kiss of an enemy, that 'the wound of a friend is faithful, but an enemy multiplies kisses'; and so if we are born wounded, and only ever seem to grow in our wounds, then perhaps then wound is from one who hates us; but it may just as well be from one who loves us.  "I am wounded by love" and yet I w...

On Communism

 I've been meaning to make a post on communism but I haven't been satisfied with earlier drafts; I'm still not satisfied, but I suspect that I'm not going to be satisfied no matter how much more study I do; so I figure I'd post it here. Take it as you will.  The issue with communism is not an issue with whether it has been implemented correctly, but rather an issue in principle; communism rejects the fundamental human right to private property and enterprise; which is to say, that aspect of property which is not held in common by all men, nor is the personal property of any individual man, but is rather the property of many men but nto all, some group of men, where there are others outside of that group; so that the means and ends of the group are distinct from the means and ends of those outside of the group; private enterprise bieng the end, private property being among the means.  It is a matter of fact that men are naturally inclined to make in-groups; to make f...