Poem: an Ode to Topicality

 A topic is a place to be, 

a place to be, a place to be

A topic spreads out like a tree,

a place to be, spreads like a tree.

A topic is a place to talk, 

a place to talk, a place to talk,

A topic is a way to walk

a place to talk, a way to walk. 

A topic can have many paths,

have many paths, have many paths,

A topic spreads out like a stream

have many paths, spreads like a stream

and on the topic of places and talks, 

of ways and walks, of trees and streams, 

A topic they all are on it seems, 

a topic of topicality. 

And on the topic of topicality,

there is both little and much to say; 

in poems and prose, and dance and fight, 

in play and work, in day and night, 

each is a topic, topically. 

Name me something not a topic, 

and a topic you'll have given me, 

name me something 'bouts we can't speak

and at topic, you'll have given me. 

Name me, name anything, 

and a topic, then you'll see. 

What then is topicality,

if not talking about talking?

What then is topicality,

if not what has to do with talking?

or walking, or running, 

or rowing down stream,

or letting thoughts stream, 

or branch out like trees,

the topic of topicality, 

is surely a thing to think. 

And what, I ask,

is not topical,

to the topic of topicality?

And what, I ask, 

is not relevant, 

to the real event of relevancy?

and is it not a relief, 

is it not a good place to be,

to be on top of a relevant topic?

and what topic is irrelevant, 

what event is not real, 

what place is not good, 

for the topic of topicality?

We, you and I,

could go on and on, 

and on and on, 

We, you and I,

Coud go on and on,

on any topic we please. 

And on and on,

We, you and I, could go, 

and on and on, 

we would,

if we, you and I, 

had something to say,

and say something, 

we most certainly would. 

If I have a topic, 

I have something to say, 

and topically it's good; 

so that topicality is, 

the having of something to say,

would being off topic be rude?

How far off topic, 

is the topic of topicality,

to any topic besides itself?

How far afield, 

is the field of flowers,

in which grow the flower, 

of discourse renewed?

Sing a new song, 

and a topic you'll have

to talk about the song you sung. 

Talk a new talk,

and a topic you'll have, 

a moment of history, 

a moment of mystery,

that all things that are,

and all that were,

and all that will be,

and all that can be,

allowed for that moment,

allowed for those words,

is this not something,

that touches infinity?

is this not something, 

this mystery of history?

and each moment of history,

is indeed a mystery,

an infinity all it's own. 

And each moment is a topic, 

each event calls down words, 

and each calling down of words,

is an event all it's own, 

a moment, 

a topic, 

and so something to talk about;

when could we run out, 

of things to say?

Such is the infinity, 

the infinity of topicality. 

A topic is a place to be, 

a place to be, a place to be

A topic spreads out like a tree,

a place to be, spreads like a tree.

A topic is a place to talk, 

a place to talk, a place to talk,

A topic is a way to walk

a place to talk, a way to walk. 

A topic can have many paths,

have many paths, have many paths,

A topic spreads out like a stream

have many paths, spreads like a stream

and a stream is one thing,

a stream of thought, 

a stream of words, 

a stream is one thing,

a thing to talk about. 

and a tree is one thing, 

a tree of ties,

a tree of worlds, 

a tree is one thing,

to write home about. 

And home is where the hearth is, 

and the hearth is where the fire is,

and if the fire is in your heart, 

then home is where the heart is,

and if home is where the heart is,

and the heart is on fire, 

then one's home is on fire, 

and in the fire, 

and through the fire, 

and fire is a topic all it's own. 

Have you lost it yet?

Lost the topic that is, 

that is; have you lost track? 

Of the pathway we walk, 

keep up, though it's hard, 

I know this is true,

but keep running, 

and you'll be sure, 

to catch up real soon. 

For both ignorance and error, 

oversights and mistakes, 

in reasoning and speaking,

these are topics too;

and on the topic of topicality,

we'll get back too real soon. 

Return to topic, 

return to home, 

return to fire, 

return to dust; 

and once you've returned, 

we'll once again, pick it up; 

pick up the topic, 

whose track we've lost, 

which now has been found; 

so slay the fattened calf, 

and call everyone 'round; 

for there's a feast to be hand,

for this topic now found,

what once dead has come back, 

what was new, has been renewed,

and so has been re-newfound. 

For we talk not just about things,

but about people too; 

not just of sordid money, 

but of family and friends too; 

for much can be exchanged,

but nothing can buy love, 

and to pay for love, 

will buy you only shame. 

Treasure the fire, 

and your heart will be there, 

treasure the home, 

and your heart will be there, 

treasure the topic, 

and you're heart will be there,

treasure truth and love, 

and you're heart will be there. 

and we treasure by human acts,

of thought, speech, and deed,

and speech is communal, 

a sharing of our creed,

and our creed is a cradle, 

in which living treasures are kept, 

and we come to this place, 

where infants have slept, 

to see the face of a child, 

as she opens her eyes,

to see the face of a boy,

as he looks to the skies,

for earth, sky, and see,

do show forth the work,

and realms beyond imagining,

do declare the glory, 

of a topic beyond topics, 

and beyond topicality,

of the one who gave us it all, 

for a topic is something to talk about,

and give me something you can't talk about,

and a topic you'll give me. 

You prepare a topic for me, 

by preparing a body for him, 

you bring topicality to me,

as I begin to sing; 

if I praise a creature, 

it is a gift that I praise, 

for the gift of giving I receive, 

in singing God's praise; 

and God gives us topics, 

and topicalities place, 

a means by which to treasure, 

the treasury of space, 

not the highest of heights, 

for only God is so great, 

but that we can say this, 

is topicalities place,

and so great a place it is.  

Have I erred?

Have I gone wrong?

Have I gone to far,

Have I said to little?

No matter, 

no concern, 

no worry have I;

it will be corrected in time,

or corrected else in eternity;

but for topics, yes topics; 

what are these?

 A topic is a place to be, 

a place to be, a place to be

A topic spreads out like a tree,

a place to be, spreads like a tree.

A topic is a place to talk, 

a place to talk, a place to talk,

A topic is a way to walk

a place to talk, a way to walk. 

A topic can have many paths,

have many paths, have many paths,

A topic spreads out like a stream

have many paths, spreads like a stream

Yes for topics, oh God,

and topicality,  yes,

for topical topics, oh God, 

to you, to you,

for topical topics, oh God, 

praise be. 


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