Response to Muslim review of Trinity
So two Muslim gentlemen reviewed a video on the Trinity here , and I wanted to respond to some of the concerns they raised. Also, just to note ahead of time, I'm not an expert theologian or anything, just a laymen (or, if you prefer, hobbyist) who enjoys thinking about these things, so I'm more liable to err than an expert and there are probably those who can put these things more clearly, so take that as you will, but in any case, here's my response: The Logic of the Trinity The three persons of the Trinity are not three members of one species, where the species is God, because we do not count them as being 3 gods, but only as one God. i.e. we are saying that with respect to the species 'God' the three persons of the Trinity are numerically identical, and are only '3' regarding the species 'person' (I should also note that we don't typically use the word 'species' to talk about these things, since that is related to the ancient genus-di...