Blame and Understanding

You asked me to change my words, 

that you might understand,

and so I changed my words,

that you might understand,

and when I wished to speak,

that you might understand,

you would not speak with me, 

that you might understand,

I wished to understand you,

that you might understand,

I wished to make my mind known,

that you might understand,

I hoped to hear your words too, 

that you might understand,

I hoped to understand too, 

that you might understand,

perhaps it was wrong to wish,

that you might understand,

perhaps it was wrong to think,

that you might understand,

perhaps it was wrong to hope, 

that you might understand,

but only if I'd hope twas me, 

that you might understand,

and perhaps it was sometimes,

that you might understand, 

me putting me myself forth,

that you might understand, 

but I hope at times I'd put forth not me,

that you might understand, 

but rather the truth that I had, 

that you might understand, 

for truth is good for open minds, 

that you might understand, 

and truth is good for open hearts, 

that you might understand, 

and if I hadn't had the truth, 

that you might understand, 

then I'd hoped you'd have your own proof, 

that you might understand, 

that I'd at least change my mind, 

that you might understand, 

on some things I'd had once said, 

that you might understand, 

to show that I can change things, 

that you might understand, 

to show that I can change me, 

that you might understand, 

but I can't say that I have no truth, 

that you might understand, 

I can't say I have nothing, 

that you might understand, 

and I hope I don't say you don't, 

that you might understand, 

have anything worth while for me, 

that you might understand, 

so I tried to bring you some truth, 

that you might understand, 

I tried to bring you some speech, 

that you might understand, 

I tried to speak with you, 

that you might understand, 

but you wouldn't speak with me, 

that you might understand, 

and when I changed my words, 

that you might understand, 

and you wouldn't speak with me, 

that you might understand, 

I think I lost something, 

that you might understand, 

I think I had in me, 

that you might understand, 

and now that you will speak, 

that you might understand, 

and now that you will see, 

that you might understand, 

see now the hole in me, 

that you might understand, 

that silence drilled relentlessly, 

that you might understand, 

I sought new words to speak, 

that you might understand, 

I sought new words to say, 

that you might understand, 

but with so little hope to speak, 

that you might understand, 

the silence just seemed to bleak, 

that you might understand, 

by grace I'm not hateful, 

that you might understand, 

by grace I'm not resenting, 

that you might understand, 

but oh, if it's not painful, 

that you might understand, 

and oh, if it's not hurting, 

that you might understand, 

and now this feeling blinds me, 

that you might understand, 

and now this demon takes me, 

that you might understand, 

and I can't help but feeling, 

that you might understand, 

that had you'd once listened, 

that you might understand, 

that I'd have words to say, 

that you might understand, 

that I'd have words to speak, 

that you might understand, 

but now I have nothing, 

that you might understand, 

except for my silence, 

that you might understand. 

For I don not blame you, 

for not being able to hear, 

and I do not blame you, 

for not being able to listen, 

For I do not blame you, 

that my words in past were painful, 

and I do not blame you, 

that my words in past hurt, 

so I do not blame you, 

that you asked me to change, 

and perhaps I should blame me, 

for choosing then to change, 

for hoping we would speak, 

but whether I blame me, 

or whether I blame nobody, 

I'm still in silence, 

in hurt and pain, 

Which flairs slightly manic,

when I ask you to hear my words now,

and when you ask me for my words now, 

that you might understand. 


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