That Mary offered up Jesus at the cross

 Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it, and the law itself says: "honor your Father and Mother" and as such, Mary had Jesus ear. 

Thus though Jesus is King, the tradition of the ancient kingdom of Israel was that the queen of Israel was not the wife of the King (for the king could have many wives) but rather the mother of the King (the גְּבִירָה‎ i.e. 'Gebirah', translating roughly to 'great lady' and often translatd as: "queen mother") hence Solomon had a throne set up at his right hand for his mother, whose requests he was willing to hear out (1 Kings 2:19-20) and this makes sense in light of how the King of Israel was still subject to the covenant of God with Israel, and so would himself be subject to the commandment of honoring father and mother. 

In light of this, if the Kingdom of God is in any way reflected by the Kingdom of Israel (which seems to be, for the new covenant in the blood of Jesus (Luke 22:20) which unites the Church together (1 Cor 10:16-17) is spoken of by Paul as the 'Jerusalem that is from above' (Gal 4:21-31) and as Jerusalem is the capital of the Kingdom of Israel, so it would seem that the Kingdom of God is in some real sense reflected by the Kingdom of Israel) then, by this tradition of the queen mother it follows that since Jesus is King, then Mary is queen, and as the queen-mother had special rights in the Kingdom, at least the right for the King to hear her out, and in other ways honor her as his mother, so Mary too would have such rights in relation to Jesus, rights to wit, that Jesus gave her when deciding to become her son, but rights none the less. 

Thus scripture itself says that Jesus was obedient to Mary (Luke 2:51) and demonstrates this in how it was at Mary's command that Jesus committed his first public miracle, when he turned water to wine at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1-11) so in light of this it is clear that Jesus was (freely and by his own choice) bound to attend to Mary's requests as Son to Mother, and indeed, as King to Queen, in light of this then, does it not follow that Mary could have asked Jesus to come down from the cross? If she could expect obedience from him when she requested him to perform a miracle at the wedding feast at Cana, does it not follow she likewise could have commanded him down from the cross and he, who as scripture teaches from his own mouth, was up their by his own will and power (John 10:17-18, Matt 26:55-56) so likewise then Jesus had the power to come down from the cross if he so pleased, and so likewise, if he was commanded, for Jesus was obedient to the Father, and it was the Father who gave the commandment to honor their fathers and mothers.

It follows then that Mary had the right to command him to do so, as mother to son, and queen to king, and in obedience to the Father and to her, he would do so if commanded. So instead we see that Mary well and truly had to choose to be silent, to choose not to command him to come down, despite her motherly love and her desire for him not to suffer, indeed Josephus predicted that her soul would be pierced (Luke 2:34-35) and scripture says that Jesus met women on the way of the cross who were mourning him (luke 3:27), and that Mary was there as well at the foot of the cross (John 19:25-27), so that we can be sure that he met his mother on the way of the cross as well, and that she was filled with sorrow at this; and so in this Mary ahd to choose not to exersize her right as mother and queen to call Jesus down from the cross; she had to, as it were, immitate Abraham in the binding of Isaac, had to reason in faith, like Abraham, that God would raise her son from the dead (heb 11:17-19) and in this way wait it can fairly and rightly be said that Mary "offered Him on Golgotha to the Eternal Father for all the children of Adam" (Mystici Corpois Christi, par. 110)


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